Author Interview: E.J. Noyes

If you haven't read E.J. Noyes's debut novel Ask, Tell then my message to you it! I don't tend to gravitate toward romance novels, but I started this book and finished it in the same day because it wouldn't let me stop reading.

E.J. is a fellow Australian like myself and so I was really pleased to be able to steal some of her time for this interview.

1. Let's start off with the important stuff. Beer or wine?

Can I say gin? No? Okay…
I live in Queensland where beer is mandatory, particularly in summer. I’d go for an ice-cold amber ale, like Ruby Tuesday.

2. If you could have a meal with one of the characters in Ask, Tell, who would it be and why?

 I think Sabine’s sister, Jana would be seriously fun to spend time with. I imagine the (boozy) meal would start with deep discussions about movies and music and philosophy, segue to whispered observations about fellow diners and probably end with her chucking food at someone. Then she’d drag me to karaoke.
3. Let's say your novel was being made into a film. Who would you cast in the main three or four character roles?

 Sabine – Gal Gadot
Rebecca – Kim Dickens
Mitch – Bradley Cooper

 Oh, wow. I'd definitely go see that movie! Gal and Kim...excuse me for a moment...

*cough*. Okay. I've recovered now.

4. Your first novel has been published with Bella. Can you tell us a little bit what it's been like to work with them?
Wonderful. They’ve been so professional, and so patient with all my new author worries that it’s taken a great deal of the stress away. And the other Bella authors have been incredibly welcoming and gracious.
5. You have a new release coming out in a few months. Can we expect something similar to Ask, Tell, or something quite different?
I think Turbulence leans more towards a “pure” romance, in contrast to Ask, Tell. There’s certainly a different dynamic between the two lead characters, Isabelle and Audrey, because they start with sex and have to work backwards to find their relationship, rather than building from the ground up.
6. Who is your favourite Orphan Black clone and why?
Oh, that’s just cruel, making me chose one. I’d be the world’s worst lesbian if I didn’t say Cosima, right? I love her storyline and relationships, but I think I’d have to say Helena is my favourite clone. The funny parts of her aside, I adore how unapologetic she is in the way she lives her life and protects what she loves.

7. Looking back on what you've read in the last six-twelve months, what's a book you would recommend for anyone looking for something memorable to read?
There’s so much quality lesfic out at the moment, but I’d have to say a series – Jessica L. Webb’s Dr Kate Morrison Mysteries (Trigger, Pathogen, Troop 18). I turned around and re-read them the moment I was done and I know I’ll read them again. I dig good stories, but I’m definitely a character person, and I love Kate and Andy. Also, maybe, I might have a crush on Sgt. Andy Wyles. Ahem.
8. What are your writing goals for the next year or so?
My first goal is to complete the sequel for Ask, Tell, which is tentatively titled Ask Me Again.
Then I’d like to tidy up the three completed novels I have written:

Gold - About an ex-Olympic alpine skier turned ski instructor.
Alone - Is the one I don’t know how to categorise. Kind of psychological, a bit of romance, just…weird.
Lena - The book that I love, the one that sits in my heart and won’t leave. It’s about two Polish women during WWII.

If time is kind to me, then I’d like to work on the dozen or so semi-finished novels and start on the list of ideas I already have.
What will probably happen is I’ll have a bunch of other new ideas, and start new projects while worrying that I should be trying to complete the others. I have a tendency to write a few novels at once, swapping and changing…and complaining that I can’t concentrate on just one thing.
Thanks, E. J.!
Twitter - @zgrokit


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