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SOCIETY'S ISSUES AND LESBIANS: WHY IT IS TIME TO BE MORE KIND TO THE CAST AND CREW OF THE 100 I have resisted the blogging universe for quite some time, despite having far too many opinions and a love of writing. The recent death of Lexa (played by Alycia Debnam-Carey) on The 100 , as well as the resulting backlash, has left me feeling as though I need to weigh in. So here I am, a 30 year old high school teacher who gets far too attached to fictional characters: writing my first blog. Like most of the other fans out there, I felt my heart break as Clarke kissed Lexa at the very moment that Lexa's last breath passed her lips. It was too soon. They had only been together for moments. It was Tara dying again. It was Xena dying again. It was a fifty other characters 'turning straight' or turning into rampaging stalkers. It was far too familiar. The characters have been so well written and so beautifully p...
This blog is starting to move into some exciting new territory with my first ever author Q&A. I'll be trying to do a few of these over time, hopefully they will compliment the book reviews I undertake and help us to engage more with both emerging and established writers. The first couple of author interviews will be for some fantastic writers being published through NineStar Press , given this is the same publisher my sci-fi novel will be released by in 2018. I'd love to talk to some other writers soon though! _________________________________________________ For my fellow Australians, you can buy the Kindle edition here. _________________________________________________ What's one book you remember reading in high school? What stood out for you during or after reading it? I absolutely loved reading as a kid, both before and during high school. Honestly, it was one of my main go-to forms of entertainment growing up, and it was always the thing ...
For the second author Q&A on ceLEStial books, I am very grateful to welcome Kiki Archer. She "...is the UK-based author of eight best-selling, award-winning novels." Kiki is an amazing example of a successful, independent novelist. There are lots of fascinating interviews on her website that delve into her rising career. Her social media presence reflects her general awesomeness as a public figure in the LGBTI+ community. 1. What's one book you remember reading in high school? What stood out for you during or after reading it? I only remember reading Jane Eyre because it was our English literature text. I remember a section where Jane randomly hears Mr Rochester's voice echoing around her. That's as far as my love of the classics came and went. I was never a big reader in school, focusing instead on sports. All the sports. In fact I probably read more sport psychology than anything else. 2. If you were writing the screenplay for Disney...
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