Author Q&A: E.M. Hamill

1. Thinking about your upcoming release Dalí , what's one aspect of the book you feel really proud of? This is my fourth full-length novel, and I think I’m finally starting to hit my stride as a writer. I’ve learned so much about story structure and the craft of writing from my CP’s and mentors in the last three years, since my first book was published. I read it now and compare it to Dalí —it’s like night and day. Dalí is also in first-person, which I’ve never done before outside short stories. I felt like it allowed me to get inside their head in a way I haven’t quite mastered with third person. I hope to continue to grow and improve in my craft. 2. I see from your bio that you're a nurse. Has your job helped inspire or inform any aspects of your writing? When I started writing Dalí, I was working as a hospice nurse. The aspect of dysfunctional grieving was something we dealt with, and I think that background helped me to por...